The end of the beginning

4th week – Last week! – Evaluation week

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21/07/2014 – Monday

  • Volunteer interview.
  • Processing and response to new volunteer applications
  • Excel database update of all the volunteers.
  • Review and evaluation of the festival – what went well and worked/not so good/things to improve in future festivals.
  • Most importantly after 3 full weeks here – I had a meeting with the project manager Rachel about the structure of the project – drawing up a diagram of all the roles needed to be filled – what they each involve and how they link. Vital for the organisation to be sustainable for the future.
  • We also went over the goals and aims from the 1st week and saw what was achieved in my role of volunteer coordinator in management.


22/07/2014 – Tuesday

  • Evaluation/review day
  • Posting new advertisement for a new coordinator role after I leave.
  • Completing my own evaluation/diary of my role.
  • Contacting volunteers by phone and email for future interviews.
  • Database sheet entry for volunteer hours and evaluations.
  • Evaluation and review of the review survey completed for the inactive volunteers.
  • Planning out a plan template for an induction day for a new volunteer coordinator candidate – as I will be training them on Wednesday.


23/07/2014 – Wednesday

  • All day – Induction training day with new volunteer coordinator
  • Also an interview for potential volunteer
  • Phone and email correspondence with other potential volunteers.
  • Volunteer application processing.


24/07/2014 – Thursday

  • Volunteer application responses via phone/email etc
  • Long Evaluation form questions to fill in for the festival on Sunday using all the volunteers feedback answers.
  • Snake surveying forms data input.
  • Creating a monthly newsletter.
  • Assisting on a plant foraging walk on the Heath- 2.30 hours long with a group of 30 people attending.
  • Interview for a new volunteer.


Evening at the Heath
Evening at the Heath

25/07/2014 – Friday – last day!!!!!


So this is it – my internship finished. What a great experience!!!!! I have learnt so much – met soo many people, creatures and wildlife- and achieved a lot in terms of the skills and roles and goals.

Thanks both to the Charity Insights team and  to everyone with RSPB Wild About Hampstead Heath ( i.e. Rachel more specifically) for this more than wonderful opportunity.


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