Week 3 – Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

Last week was another amazing week full of fantastic experiences. I’m struggling to believe my placement is almost over.431934_4202912757663_1251155696_n
Been so busy over the past week getting involved in many different activities, as I mentioned in my last post on Saturday the 19th I went to a small mammal trapping event which was a lot of fun, we basically used traps in order to get statistical values for the numbers of small mammals in an area of woodland. It was a great experience.

Later on in the week, I worked with a few more school groups, running various activities which I now feel confident leading. I also was able to view some other activities schools can get involved with for example measuring river depths and speeds in order to see weather it’d be a suitable habitat for a water vole which is a species the wildlife trust is particularly concerned about.

On Wednesday and Thursday I was involved with working with the midweek volunteers in order to see what conservation work the wildlife trust actively does while running their nature reserves. On Wednesday we went to a woodland nature reserve to clear invasive none native species in order to allow succession of outcompeted native species and on Thursday we cleared a footpath. Although it has been good to experience other departments within the wildlife trust I have to admit I have much preferred working with the education department and raising awareness for the charity than working in hands on conservation work.

Over the weekend I was needed to help run a stall at a local event, to raise awareness for the trust by providing various activities for families to get involved with,  it was good fun and its really satisfying knowing that a lot of money and awareness is being raised for a good cause.

The first three weeks of the internship have gone so fast, I’ll be really sad to finish and say goodbye to my colleagues at the end of next week.



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