Week 2: Setting up a local (offline) server and getting to grips with web programming

My second week started off by investigating the same Formhub instance set-up on a virtual Linux machine using Oracle’s VirtualBox. The reason for this is to enable the uploading off the surveys to the Linux server without the use of internet i.e. by means of a Local Area Network.  This proved to be more difficult then the previous week’s case of setting it up using Amazon’s AWS services since it needs more tweaking and it is a newer method which still needs some debugging. Having said that I am getting quite close to completing the set-up except for occasional connectivity issues and disappointingly low speeds for a LAN based system. (All the SSHing however has led me to getting the old Raspberry Pi out of the cupboard in order to check out new projects I could do over the holidays rather than just sticking with the media centre).

In addition to this, I spent a significant time on Codecademy learning html, css and javascript. This will be necessary in order to help with the creating dashboards using the information from Philippines’ surveys. We are looking to demo it on Wednesday in fact so we are expecting more requests by the end of the week. An example screenshot of what the dashboard will look like is below. However, all the segments of the charts and map are click able which in turn populates the rest of the diagrams accordingly.

An example dashboard


I have started narrowing my learning to this specific case and deciphering the code in order to hopefully create similar things in the next few days.

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