Week 3 – Promotion of the TF Willetts Social Media Campaign

So week three is at an end and we’ve finally finished editing the video which starts the campaign, to check it out go to:


The Facebook and Twitter pages are also now active with content we’ve scheduled to go up and hopefully we’ve started drawing attention to the charity – our whole aim!

This week’s tasks, alongside the social media content and video launch, were to film a second video and organise proceedings for two further events later in the year. This second video focused on an Italian guitarist who specialises in gypsy guitar, Giulio Romano, and is someone whose events the charity supports. The aim of this video is to showcase his work and receive Giulio’s personal feedback on what he thinks of the charity. To get this filming we went to one of his gigs Wednesday night after working in the office and got to experience his music for ourselves, not only did we hear Giulio and his friend perform gypsy folk songs on guitars but we also had a live painting being created of them as they played. All of which we have included in the video which is currently in the process of editing before we can publish.

In addition to this, there has been a large number of liaison emails and research to help get together the ‘interview series’ with celebrities for September and a choral flash mob in December at Paddington station as well as pulling a list of choir contacts together for the ‘choir of light’ project later in the year.

The plan for my final week is to set up a sustainable schedule for content to keep the pages active even after my internship is over and to gather as much information to provide TF Willetts with the basis on which to build their future projects.

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