Week 2 on the Beautifully Wild Heath

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2ND WEEK !!!!    7/07/14 – 11/07/14

The summary diary of the main activities day to day I was involved in the 2nd week.

Hedgehog trap on the Heath
Hedgehog trap on the Heath

7th July 2014 – MONDAY

  • Finishing & editing volunteer flyer leaflet with photo edit.
  • Researching all the volunteer advertising websites WAHH project appears in, so looking at how the project is observed by potential volunteers.
  • Spreadsheet for the different advertising websites WAHH project appears in and also potential websites to advertise in that are used at present by other volunteers. So updating existing adverts and placing new ones. Using the information given by existing volunteers – and the pie chart from statistical analysis already completed to find out which advertising method/organisation to go through so to get more volunteers.
  • Writing a template advert for the volunteering roles which can be used to be reposted once advert expires in future.
  • Researching volunteering fairs and events in the month of July – e.g. Camden Volunteer fair and booking in for a slot.


8th July 2014 – TUESDAY

  • Continue the research into volunteering advertising websites – update and create new ads on all the old and new websites for volunteering from the research carried out on the 7th July.
  • Register with Volunteering fairs by email and phoned them to confirm attendance.

    Wildlife camera
    Wildlife camera
  • Finished a template for volunteering adverts to use in the future.
  • Started writing and editing the letter to send to the volunteers that have been inactive for a long time – with a feedback form so creating a template to use for the future.
  • Email correspondence with potential volunteers – arranging times and dates for interviews (7 in total)
  • Outdoor Snake survey with forms to fill in during it.
  • Collecting also the wildlife camera roll to observe and check it.


9th July 2014  – WEDNESDAY

  • Email correspondence with potential volunteers – so responding back to sent applications via the volunteering websites and email correspondence with other volunteer enquires.
  • Phoning volunteers who have left voicemails.
  • Arranging interviews with volunteers.
  • Writing up a review template for volunteers who have been inactive for a long while – designing a quick and catchy review so they will fill in so we can get feedback from them and coming up with an incentive for them if they answer the questions.
  • Creating ideas for how we can keep our existing volunteers happy – so brainstorming ideas.
  • Writing up activity cards for the wildlife interpreters for the different activities to teach the public like the bird feeder activity and researching facts for them to use i.e. about birds in this case.


10th July 2014  – THURSDAY

  • Quite a few Volunteer Interviews today & then emailing registration forms and all about you forms to them as well as any other extra info they wanted emailed over.
  • Email and phone correspondence with potential volunteer applications that have been sent.
  • Designing the quick review from yesterday on survey monkey and finishing the editing and sending it off to all the inactive volunteers on the database so we can get feedback from them.
  • Researching and making notes of events and activities happening in the following week to remind the volunteers about so to get them involved.

    Snake surveying
    Snake surveying


11th July 2014  – FRIDAY

  • Volunteer application responses via email.
  • Arranging interviews for volunteers next week.
  • Setting up bike activities for the weekend – so finishing up the group activity design, printing off posters and activity leaflets, arranging all the books, leaflets, CDs for the bike to go out.
  • Excel database update of information for new volunteers with their application form processing.
  • Researching volunteering events for this month to get involved in – applying as an organisation with different close by boroughs.



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