Week 2 – Derbyshire Wildlife trust

Week 2 has produced some new challenges, I’ve been involved in a few different activities in comparison to last week and have also grown in confidence enough to lead a few of the activities I’ve become more comfortable with.

On Tuesday I spent the day with the rangers getting an experience of what they do, I spent most the day doing weeding, although this probably wasn’t the most exciting activity to be involved in,  they did promise me that next time I’m with them it’ll be in a more interesting line of work. I’ve also arranged a meeting to speak with a ranger who had a large involvement in the production of the water cycle exhibition which will be really useful for my project, he will be able to give me more information about the planning and production of the display.thA2LRB8Y1

 This week I was trusted in taking the responsibility of a mini beasting activity, which was  nerve racking at first but after seeing how much the first group children enjoyed it, I felt a lot more confident for the next groups later that day. Working with various different wildlife trust staff, I find it interesting to watch all their different teaching styles and observe the way they deal with different situations.

On Friday I had probably one of my biggest challenges so far, having to do a water filtration activity with a group of children, all with learning difficulties; trying to help them to maintain their interest, while also paying extra special attention to ensure they were supervised in order to perform safe practise was a lot more difficult than I expected.

Tomorrow I look forward to getting involved in a family event in small mammal trapping, to monitor the numbers of small mammals in the Carsington area – early morning start, have to be at work at 7:30am!

So to sum it all up its been another productive week and I’ve been working hard on planning my project, I cant believe its already the end of the second week, I’ll be sad to leave at the end of it.









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