Week 2: Content and development of TF Willetts social media campaign

After my first week of extensive research and planning, we’ve now developed the campaign in the second week starting with our slogan ‘life in the light’ (it was originally ‘light up a life’ but sadly this was already taken for a hospice campaign) and filming a video in Hyde Park. The aim of the video is to introduce me and my colleague Theo, talk about what we’re going to be doing on the Facebook pages in the next couple of weeks, what the charity itself does and how people can get involved with our campaign. We weren’t aware we we’re doing this until Tuesday when the CEO of the company, Brian Willetts, told us he wanted us to do a video by Thursday, consequently we had to work at an extremely fast pace and in our own time to create content to deliver. This was definitely testing on my time management and creativity skills, but I’ve had an extremely valuable day of filming. We organised filming time with an experienced camera man who has worked for paramount studios, Sam Parsons, to film our campaign; he has kindly offered to edit it for us by Monday to post on the T F Willetts Facebook page to start the campaign next week.

Since Friday I have expanded my role within the charity, not only am I social media campaign officer but I have also taken on a more personal assistant role too. This has involved aiding the organisation of ‘The Light Project’ day event in October. I have compiled a list of celebrities Brian knows, in order to contact them and request to film videos in which they talk about why the arts are important to them. The idea is to post these videos each week in a build up to the ‘The Light Project’ event in October. In addition we’ve looked at a potential venue for this event and investigated companies to host a wifi donating segment. To further this, Theo and I have completed a thorough analysis of the website and are currently discussing updates with the web designer to create a clearer and easier to navigate web page. My attention has also been directed towards setting up a PayPal account for the charity which links to their website and then conducting an international transaction over email into the account.

Tomorrow we give our weekly presentation and plan out our aims for next week.

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