Some fantastic feedback!

Well it’s the end of the first week of the autumn term and all but one of the Charity Insights internships has come to an end. We have had some fantastic feedback from our charity partners. Here are just a selection of their comments:

“Will was an enthusiastic, well liked and respected member of the team. I think he exceeded expectations and that is in the light of having arrived with an excellent CV in the first place. The work he has undertaken with a creative, methodical and detailed approach on Social Return on Investment is invaluable.”
Richard Mills, Big Issue

“Alex has been very enthusiastic, diligent and hardworking, and full of good ideas, and has been a real pleasure to work with. She’s been able to tackle some projects that we hadn’t got round to working on yet due to time constraints. She has used her neuroscience expertise to guide and advise us on particular on-going projects in this area.”
Helen Eaton, Royal Society Publishing

“Ben more than fulfilled the expectations of the team and the support has been invaluable. Seldom do we see such enthusiasm, reliability and commitment as we’ve experienced with Ben.” (This also came with a list of no less than 10 internship outcomes!
Sylvia Gardiner, LUCIA

“As far as we were concerned it was a real gift to us to be able to work with Lydia in this way. She did an excellent piece of work and we will be posting it on our own website shortly.  Thank you Lydia and thank you Imperial College and Charity Insights.
Charles Secrett & Fi Radford, The Act Alliance

“Taking on Eleanor through Charity Insights has been a fantastic opportunity. For many charities the ability to grow and take on extra staff is limited, therefore Charity Insights has given us the luxury of getting a project done that we normally wouldn’t have been able to do”
Manos Moschopoulos, IDEA

“The work Amira has done for the charity has been very useful to us, and having spoken to Amira she has got a lot out of her experience too – so it has been fantastic all round; I think it’s great that Imperial offers this to their students, and it’s obviously great for us as a charity too, so thank you very much!”
Patrick Smears, KEEN London

“It has been brilliant having Helena with our GIS team over the last month. Helena has been a great asset to a number of teams including ours while at the British Red Cross. She has gained some GIS expertise and these insights should stand her in good stead. We have certainly learnt much from her and her skills.”
Andrew Braye, British Red Cross

These are just a selection of the lovely comments we have received by phone and email. Well done all of you! I am looking forward to hearing more over a glass of wine and some cheese on Monday!



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