End of a Fantastic Four Weeks

My fourth and final blog can only start one way, and that is by saying a huge thank you to all the staff at Blue Ventures and the people involved with Charity Insights at Imperial. It has been a memorable four weeks that I feel extremely privileged to have had. There is no doubt in my mind that the experience I have gained from this placement will impact my future career positively.



The last couple of days have been busy and it has been enjoyable seeing the project coming together. Furthermore, I discovered a great local café that do all day full English breakfasts that were great at helping me power through the work load. Anyways, I hope the rapid population census proxy will benefit the company and they have valued my help. Hopefully this won’t be the last time I am involved with Blue Ventures and I am already enquiring about ways to help my local charities in Cumbria. There is nothing quite like using your scientific ability to help out people who really need it.



A part of me was sad leaving the office for the last time but it will be nice to get some rest; a break for the mind, but I cannot say the liver will get the same treatment. Freshers here we come………………


There isn’t one reason I can think of that would prevent me from working at Blue Ventures again, and I would highly recommend them to anybody interested in conservation or scientific research.




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