Week One at Royal Society Publishing

This week I started my Charity Insights internship at the publishing office of Royal Society. I’m sure that most of you will have at least heard of the Royal Society (if not, here’s the wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society for a quick blurb) It’s the oldest scientific academy still in existence and I ended up there because I’m interested in the work they do in communicating science and emphasizing the cultural role that science has to play in society.  Oh and because I wanted to get a taste of academic publishing and their publishing division just happen to bring out some great journals! The editor that I’m working with is in charge of Philosophical Transactions B, which brings out theme issues, so it’s more like a review publication. It’s actually the first scientific journal that was ever published. I think that’s pretty cool…but that might just be me.

Another perk of working at the Royal Society is that they’re based in a beautiful location just behind the Mall and Regents Park:

I know Imperial’s campus has a pretty great location, but that’s the view from the toilets at RS.


Don’t judge me for taking photos from the toilets…or for their terrible quality…trust me, the view is GOOD.
I’ve started by taking over some of the junior editorial coordinator tasks for the journal: like checking over author submissions before they’re sent over to production and updating the website with information about the latest issues. I have to say, having access to the proofs of papers by some big names before they’re published (ie still under embargo!) feels pretty special. The editorial team is a small group and everyone’s really friendly, all in all it’s a really welcoming environment to have entered into.
So my feelings about the experience as the first week has drawn to an end are pretty positive! Hopefully it isn’t just the enthusiasm of a rookie…

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