The final ACT! (maybe)

I had my last day at ACT! on Friday (and woke up pretty hungover on Saturday). I finished my project and discussed it with Charles – he seemed pleased with my work which was a relief. My framework for city ‘greening’ will be put together with a number of other parallel projects (focusing on energy, transport or land taxation for example) to build up a complete sustainable city model. With Bristol crowned European Green Capital 2015 the city has a lot to achieve ‘greening-wise’ in the next two years – so who knows, hopefully our sustainable city model will come to some use in Bristol…

I’m sad to leave Bristol, it’s such a lively and striking city, and I was so lucky with the weather – I spent many evenings on the Clifton Downs with some of my colleges from ACT! It was exciting to be a part of something so new and dynamic. At times things were a little muddled but that’s all part of an organisation’s growth and development at the early stages. I’m looking forward to seeing how ACT! progresses and hoping I’ll be back again in the not too distant future. It’s been a privilege – thank you Charity Insights for giving me this opportunity, and now I’m looking forward to my holiday!


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