Blog posts

Director of Estates Projects and Director of Digital Systems Transformation

Director of Estates Projects

Mr Michael Lytrides joined the College on 14 October 2013 as Director of Estates Projects. He succeeds Mr Steve Howe, previously the Director of Capital Projects and Planning, who left the College to take up a post at the University of the Arts.

My Lytrides joins Imperial from Mace Limited, where he was an Associate Director. During a secondment he led the project to deliver the main international media centre for the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012.  Prior to that he worked for Arup Project Management and Capita Symonds. Mr Lytrides trained as a chartered civil and structural engineer, having gained his undergraduate and Master’s degrees at Imperial.

Director of Digital Systems Transformation

Mr Mike Russell has accepted appointment to the new post of Director of Digital Systems Transformation in the ICT Division, with effect from 11 November 2013.

Mr Russell previously worked for the infrastructure consultancy firm WS Atkins Group PLC in a range of engineering consultancy and project management roles, most recently focusing on technology-driven changes to business processes. He has a degree in in electrical and electronic engineering from Nottingham and an MSc in Physical Instrumentation, and is a chartered engineer and IT professional.

Both postholders report to Mr Simon Harding-Roots, Chief Operations Officer.

Vice President (Health)

The President & Rector has appointed Professor Dermot Kelleher as his Vice President (Health).  Prof Kelleher will remain Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, reporting to the Provost in this capacity.

This appointment as Vice President (Health) reflects the requirements for Professor Kelleher to assist the President by representing him and the College in key strategic partnerships in the medical/health sector, both in the UK and internationally.

Director of the Graduate School

Professor Susan Gibson has accepted appointment as Director of the Graduate School for a period of five years, with effect from 1 November 2013, reporting to Professor Debra Humphris, Vice-Provost (Education). She will divide her time equally between her new role and her continuing position as a Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry.

Professor Gibson first joined the College from the University of Warwick in 1990 as a Lecturer and was promoted to Reader in 1995.  In 1998 she moved to King’s College London as Daniell Professor of Chemistry, returning to Imperial in 2003 as Professor of Chemistry.  Her research interests lie at the border between organic synthesis and transition metal chemistry.  In 2003, Professor Gibson received the inaugural Rosalind Franklin Award of the Royal Society and in 2013 she was appointed OBE for services to Chemistry and science education.

Academic Registrar

Mr Dean Pateman has accepted appointment as Academic Registrar with effect from 1 January 2014.  Until that date, Ms Lorna Richardson will continue in post as Acting Academic Registrar.  He will report to the College Secretary & Registrar.

Mr Pateman joins Imperial College from Birkbeck, University of London.  Mr Pateman has been at Birkbeck since 2005, and Academic Registrar there since 2008. Prior to that, he was Director of Operations at UCL Eastman Dental Institute.

Tutor training course for postdoctoral researchers and academic staff

Postdoctoral researchers and academic staff wishing to expand their teaching experience and improve their group facilitation skills are invited to register with the Graduate School for a tutoring training course.  The two day training course prepares tutors to teach on the highly successful Research Skills Development (RSD) residential course.  The tutor training course will be held over two days and nights, from 15 – 17 October 2013 in Wokingham.

Places are limited and the deadline for application is 1 October 2013.

To find out more and to obtain an application form please contact Dr Paul Seldon by email or on 020 759 45503.

Become an Events Maker

Staff are encouraged to register for the Events Makers volunteer scheme to support some of the College’s most important annual events.

The opportunities are unpaid but any volunteer time which falls outside of normal working hours can be taken as time off in lieu at a later date, in agreement with the staff member’s line manager. The first opportunities for volunteers are Welcome Week, between 28 September and 4 October, and the Commemoration Day ceremonies on 23 October.

Read more about the scheme and register

Imperial College Union Impact Report

Imperial College Union has published its annual Impact Report detailing its achievements in the 2012-13 academic year. The report highlights developments including::

  • The launch of a new website which has made information easier to find and has increased user satisfaction levels
  • The highest student turnout ever for both elections and the National Student Survey
  • The introduction of an annual Student Academic Choice Awards evening
  • £147,684 raised for charitable causes during Charity Week

Read the report