Following the appointment of Professor Gast as the College’s new President, a number of modifications have been made to the governance of the College. These are intended to improve the processes for taking, documenting and communicating decisions and have been made to streamline the decision making process while at the same time ensuring appropriate engagement and consultation with leadership.
The key changes are as follows:
The Executive Group of the President’s Board and the President’s Board have been established, to be chaired by the President. In line with the responsibilities of the President, these bodies will address strategic issues of medium and long term impact.
- The business that was considered previously by the Cabinet, President’s Co-ordinating Group, Estates Strategy Group and the Capital Approvals Board will now be undertaken by the Executive Group of the President’s Board and the President’s Board.
- The Executive Group of the President’s Board will meet on a weekly basis
- The President’s Board will meet on a monthly basis.
The Provost’s Board will continue to oversee the College’s core academic mission of education, research and translation, and the Faculties and academic support services that deliver this mission (the “Core College”).
The terms of reference and membership of the Executive Group of the President’s Board, the President’s Board, and the Provost’s Board are outlined below.
Terms of reference
The Executive Group of the President’s Board will plan for and address strategic university issues of medium and long term impact, and consider other matters which transcend delivery of the College’s core academic mission of education, research and translation.
Items to be considered by the Executive Group of the President’s Board include:
Major policies and governance, reputational and ethical issues.
- Decisions on capital investment in infrastructure and IT above the levels delegated to the Provost and COO (previously the business of CAB), making recommendations to Council when appropriate.
- The recommendation for the College’s overall annual budget, and future spending plans, to Council.
- Medium and long-term financial plans for income and capital expenditure for the Core College; related ventures; and Imperial West.
- Monitoring the performance of the Endowment through liaison with the Endowment Board.
- Oversight for the Programme Manager for Imperial West and boards of related ventures businesses as appropriate.
- Submission to the Imperial West Syndicate matters for decision by Council and engagement with Syndicate on strategic matters.
- Approval of all papers to be submitted to Council (unless previously approved by the President’s Board), and receipt, oversight and implementation of actions and decisions from Council.
President (Chair), Provost, Chief Financial Officer, College Secretary & Registrar, Vice President (Development & Innovation), and Vice President (Advancement). Others to be invited for specific items of business, as appropriate.
Weekly meetings for one to two hours (as needed) convened by President, or, in the President’s absence, convened by other members of the group.
Terms of reference
The President’s Board will consider items of a strategic nature, or matters transcending the Core College requiring input and consideration by the senior academic leadership.
Items to be considered by the President’s Board include:
- College Strategy 2015-2020
- High level strategic risks relevant to the College Strategy
- Strategic aspects of estates, the College Masterplan, international engagements, external relationships, partnerships and fundraising.
- Developing proposals for the College’s future annual budget for both income and capital expenditure, and medium/long term financial plans, during each Planning Round.
- Any other items of a strategic nature referred by Provost’s Board or the Executive Group.
President (Chair), the members of the Executive Group of the President’s Board, Faculty Deans and Vice-Provosts. Others may attend for specific items.
Terms of reference
The Provost’s Board will continue to oversee the College’s core academic mission of education, research and translation, and the Faculties and academic support services that deliver this mission (the “Core College”).
Items to be considered by the Provost’s Board include:
- Oversight of the quality and efficacy of education and research;
- Recruitment,
- Development and retention of academic, research and professional staff; annual pay review and awards;
- Student experience and well-being;
- Health and safety;
- In-year financial performance and financial control;
- The submission of the Core College’s annual operational budgets and medium and long-term financial plans, including capital expenditure, to the President’s Board for consideration as part of the annual Planning Round.
- Reports on activities of the Faculties and academic support services.
Provost (Chair), Chief Financial Officer, College Secretary & Registrar, Associate Provosts, Faculty Deans, Vice-Provosts, Chief Operations Officer, Directors reporting to the President or Provost. Others may attend for specific items.