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Governance of the College

Following the appointment of Professor Gast as the College’s new President, a number of modifications have been made to the governance of the College.  These are intended to improve the processes for taking, documenting and communicating decisions and have been made to streamline the decision making process while at the same time ensuring appropriate engagement and consultation with leadership.

The key changes are as follows:

The Executive Group of the President’s Board and the President’s Board have been established, to be chaired by the President. In line with the responsibilities of the President, these bodies will address strategic issues of medium and long term impact.

  • The business that was considered previously by the Cabinet, President’s Co-ordinating Group, Estates Strategy Group and the Capital Approvals Board will now be undertaken by the Executive Group of the President’s Board and the President’s Board.
  • The Executive Group of the President’s Board will meet on a weekly basis
  • The President’s Board will meet on a monthly basis.

The Provost’s Board will continue to oversee the College’s core academic mission of education, research and translation, and the Faculties and academic support services that deliver this mission (the “Core College”).

The terms of reference and membership of the Executive Group of the President’s Board, the President’s Board, and the Provost’s Board are outlined below.


Terms of reference

The Executive Group of the President’s Board will plan for and address strategic university issues of medium and long term impact, and consider other matters which transcend delivery of the College’s core academic mission of education, research and translation.

Items to be considered by the Executive Group of the President’s Board include:

Major policies and governance, reputational and ethical issues.

  • Decisions on capital investment in infrastructure and IT above the levels delegated to the Provost and COO (previously the business of CAB), making recommendations to Council when appropriate.
  • The recommendation for the College’s overall annual budget, and future spending plans, to Council.
  • Medium and long-term financial plans for income and capital expenditure for the Core College; related ventures; and Imperial West.
  • Monitoring the performance of the Endowment through liaison with the Endowment Board.
  • Oversight for the Programme Manager for Imperial West and boards of related ventures businesses as appropriate.
  • Submission to the Imperial West Syndicate matters for decision by Council and engagement with Syndicate on strategic matters.
  • Approval of all papers to be submitted to Council (unless previously approved by the President’s Board), and receipt, oversight and implementation of actions and decisions from Council.


President (Chair), Provost, Chief Financial Officer, College Secretary & Registrar, Vice President (Development & Innovation), and Vice President (Advancement). Others to be invited for specific items of business, as appropriate.


Weekly meetings for one to two hours (as needed) convened by President, or, in the President’s absence, convened by other members of the group.


Terms of reference

The President’s Board will consider items of a strategic nature, or matters transcending the Core College requiring input and consideration by the senior academic leadership.

Items to be considered by the President’s Board include:

  • College Strategy 2015-2020
  • High level strategic risks relevant to the College Strategy
  • Strategic aspects of estates, the College Masterplan, international engagements, external relationships, partnerships and fundraising.
  • Developing proposals for the College’s future annual budget for both income and capital expenditure, and medium/long term financial plans, during each Planning Round.
  • Any other items of a strategic nature referred by Provost’s Board or the Executive Group.


President (Chair), the members of the Executive Group of the President’s Board, Faculty Deans and Vice-Provosts. Others may attend for specific items.





Terms of reference

The Provost’s Board will continue to oversee the College’s core academic mission of education, research and translation, and the Faculties and academic support services that deliver this mission (the “Core College”).

Items to be considered by the Provost’s Board include:

  • Oversight of the quality and efficacy of education and research;
  • Recruitment,
  • Development and retention of academic, research and professional staff; annual pay review and awards;
  • Student experience and well-being;
  • Health and safety;
  • In-year financial performance and financial control;
  • The submission of the Core College’s annual operational budgets and medium and long-term financial plans, including capital expenditure, to the President’s Board for consideration as part of the annual Planning Round.
  • Reports on activities of the Faculties and academic support services.


Provost (Chair), Chief Financial Officer, College Secretary & Registrar, Associate Provosts, Faculty Deans, Vice-Provosts, Chief Operations Officer, Directors reporting to the President or Provost. Others may attend for specific items.



National Pay Award 2014-15 implementation

UCEA (the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association) has confirmed that all five trade unions have accepted their final pay offer.

The College’s national pay scales have therefore been uprated to incorporate a rise of 2% with effect from 1 August 2014 for those staff remaining on national non-clinical rather than local pay scales. Payment at the appropriate new rates will be made in August 2014 salaries.

For copies of the revised scales, please view the salaries web page.

Local Pay Award 2014-15 implementation

Following the College’s final pay offer dated 3 July 2014, UCU has confirmed their acceptance, however Unite and Unison have not been able to agree the pay award. The College has carefully considered its position and the representations of the Unions during the pay bargaining process and following on from this Provost’s Board has decided to implement the local pay offer of 2% effective from 1 August 2014.

The College’s pay scales and schedules of allowances have been updated to include the above mentioned increase, which applies to all staff on terms and conditions of service subject to local pay bargaining. Payments at the appropriate new rates will be made in August 2014 salaries. The revised scales are now available. Documentary background to the pay negotiations process is also available to view.

Intermittent Home drive access – Thursday 24 July 17.00 – 20.00

Approximately half of all students and staff will have intermittent access College Home directories/H: drives on Thursday 24 July between 17.00 and 20.00. Home directories are all personal files saved within College’s central filing system.

This is due to an upgrade to bring underlying systems up-to-date with the latest software. All other ICT services will continue as normal.

Questions can be directed to the ICT service desk

Election of Consuls

Professor John Seddon, Professor of Chemical Physics in the Department of Chemistry, has been elected to succeed Professor Richard Thompson as one of the Consuls for the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Centre for Co-Curricular Studies from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2017.

Professor Richard Thompson, Professor of Experimental Physics in the Department of Physics, has been elected as the Senior Consul from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2015 to succeed Professor Nigel Gooderham.

The full list of Consuls for 2014-2015 is below:

Senior Consul – Professor Richard Thompson

Faculty of Engineering and Business School – Professor Richard Jardine

Faculty of Engineering and Business School – Professor Peter Lindstedt

Faculty of Medicine (non-clinical) – Professor Myra McClure

Faculty of Medicine (clinical) – Professor Desmond Johnston

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Centre for Co-Curricular Studies – Professor Andrew Parry

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Centre for Co-Curricular Studies – Professor John Seddon

Safety Director

Dr Surrinder Johal has accepted appointment as Safety Director and started on 14 July 2014.

Dr Johal has a first degree and a doctorate in microbiology from the University of Surrey, and joins Imperial College from the private sector research organisation LGC, where for the last six years she was LGC’s Group Head of Safety, Health, Environment & Quality.  Before that she held a range of senior business roles.

President’s 2014 Awards and Medals


Awards for Excellence in Teaching are presented annually to members of academic staff judged to have been most outstanding in the quality, organisation and presentation of their teaching. Of the award winners up to four may be selected to receive a President’s Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Excellence.

President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching are conferred on the following staff:

Dr Helal Ahmed – Graduate School

Dr Tristan Allwood – Department of Computing

Dr Michael Bearpark – Department of Chemistry

Dr Susan Hodgson – School of Public Health

Mr Martin Holloway – Department of Bioengineering

Dr Philippa Mason – Department of Earth Science Engineering

Dr Paul Mitcheson – Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Dr Darryl Overby – Department of Bioengineering

Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr Duncan Rogers – NHLI

Professor Henry Rzepa – Department of Chemistry

Dr Paul Strutton – Department of Surgery and Cancer

Dr Mike Tristem – Department of Life Sciences

Mr Peter Wren – School of Professional Development

Dr Andrew Wynn – Department of Aeronautics


President’s Medals for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Excellence are awarded to the following staff:

Dr William Knottenbelt – Department of Computing

Professor Mary Morrell – NHLI



Awards for Excellence in Pastoral Care are presented annually to recognise the importance which the College places upon providing a supportive learning environment for its students as part of its academic mission. Of the award winners up to two may be selected to receive a President’s Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Excellence in Pastoral Care.

President’s Awards for Excellence in Pastoral Care are conferred on the following staff for 2014:

Dr Chris Braddock – Department of Chemistry

Dr Caroline Hargreaves – Graduate School


President’s Medals for Excellence in Pastoral Care are awarded to:

Dr John Gibbons – Department of Mathematics

Dr Ruediger Woscholski – Department of Chemistry



The President’s Awards for Excellence in Research Supervision recognise staff who have made exceptional contributions in providing a supportive learning environment for postgraduate research students. Of the award winners up to two may be selected to receive the President’s Medal for Excellence in Research Supervision.

President’s Awards for Excellence in Research Supervision are conferred on the following staff:

Professor Ahmed Elghazouli – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Professor Danilo Mandic – Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Professor Peter Weinberg – Department of Bioengineering


President’s Medals for Excellence in Research Supervision are awarded to:

Professor Clare Lloyd – NHLI

Professor Miriam Moffatt – NHLI



The President’s Awards for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience recognise the importance placed by the College on the contribution of support staff to underpinning the College’s learning environment for students. Of the award winners up to two may be selected to receive the President’s Medal for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience.

President’s Awards for Excellence in Supporting the Student Experience are conferred on the following staff:

Mr Vic Boddy – Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Dr Alison Cambrey – Faculty of Medicine

Dr Amani El-Kholy – Department of Computing


President’s Medals for Supporting the Student Experience are awarded to the following staff:

Mr Ian Gillett – Department of Health and Safety Services

Dr Maria Toro-Troconis – Faculty of Medicine

Interim Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach

Mr Andrew Tebbutt has accepted appointment as Interim Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach with effect from 1 May 2014, in succession to Jonathan Tinnacher. He will have responsibility for the central teams working on UK and international student recruitment, outreach to schools and colleges, and recruitment marketing and communications. He will report to the College Secretary & Registrar.

Mr Tebbutt joined the College in 2005 after graduating from the University of Oxford, and has been Operations Manager in the Department of Materials since 2009.

Work on Dalby Court: 29 March to 14 April

Between 29 March and 14 April 2014 a scaffold crash deck will be installed on Dalby Court and building work will be carried out on the City & Guilds Building cladding, as part of the Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering Project (AMP).

The work is likely to cause disruption from 19.00 each evening. Apart from the weekend of 5 and 6 April 2014, the revolving door and adjoining accessible swing door onto Dalby Court will remain in use, as will the entrance and exit to the College Café from Dalby Court.

Jeff Magee – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

Professor Jeff Magee, FREng, has accepted an extension to his appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering until 30 September 2017.

Professor Magee joined Imperial as a postgraduate studying an MSc in Computing Science in 1977. He completed a PhD in Computing Science at Imperial in 1984, before joining the Department of Computing as a lecturer and became a professor in 1999.

Professor Magee’s own research interests focus on the software engineering of distributed systems and his career has included extensive collaboration and consultancy work with industry. He was elected a Fellow of the British Computer Society in 2005 and was the co-recipient of the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering Outstanding Research Award for his work in Distributed Software Engineering.

He was appointed Head of the Department of Computing in 2004 and became Principal of the Faculty of Engineering, and later Dean, in 2011.