Category: Wellbeing

Survey on mental health in the HE sector

The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) is the equality policy and advice body for universities in England, and has recently launched an anonymous HE sector survey to examine mental health in the workplace.

The survey is aimed at understanding how universities can:

  • develop an environment that encourages staff to inform the university about mental health difficulties to receive targeted support;
  • ensure that the courses, work environment, facilities, and services are accessible to students experiencing mental health difficulties.

Responses to the survey will be invaluable in helping the ECU develop materials to promote an inclusive university environment that is supportive of mental health.

Please let the ECU know your views by completing the survey here – the survey is open until 12 April.

Survey on staff commuting

Staff are invited to complete a short survey on their daily travel to and from Imperial. The data gathered will help the College ascertain how successful current travel initiatives are and help formulate sustainable initiatives for the future.  In particular, this year’s survey includes a section on a proposed new bike scheme, with feedback sought on potential take-up. The information will also inform the College’s report to HEFCE on its travel-associated carbon emissions when this becomes part of the Estates Management Statistics survey from August 2013.

The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and participants will be entered into a draw to win a £100 Amazon voucher. Results of the survey will be published on the Sustainability website.

Hyde Park safety guidance

The local Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhood team have issued advice to avoid walking through Hyde Park alone during hours of darkness. There have been reports of a number of attacks on lone females in the area motivated by robbery. Any suspicious activity should be reported by dialling 999.

New studio timetable at Ethos for summer

The new studio timetable at Ethos features a number of new classes including Bodyflow Yoga (a combination of yoga and pilates) and the Active Lifestyles Running Club, which is free to join and open to staff and students of all abilities.

Ethos are offering staff who attend a Body Combat and/or Body Pump class the opportunity to join a CX Worx class afterwards for £1, reduced from the usual rate of £4.10. The CX Worx class develops core and total body strength, particularly beneficial after a cardiovascular workout.

The new timetable can be downloaded here, or ring the Ethos reception on 020 7594 6660 for more information.

Climbing wall open day

Sport Imperial will be running a Climbing Wall Open Day at Ethos on Saturday 29 October from 10.00-15.00, which is suitable for all levels of climbers, including beginners. A number of activities, such as traversing sessions, will take place throughout the day and qualified instructors will be on hand to offer advice on technique. All participants will be entered into a prize draw to win a free voucher for ten wall climbs.

Staff wishing to register should contact Victor Rodrigues by email, or or extension 48962

More information can be found here on the website.

Arrange body MOT sessions for your department

The Energia fitness team at Ethos are running free and exclusive Body MOT sessions for departments across the College. Staff and students can take advantage of the 15-minute body health MOT checks which will show them an overall picture of their general health. The checks provide general health information using heart rate, blood pressure, body composition and body fat percentage measurements and the opportunity to discuss any health and wellbeing issues or questions in private with a qualified professional.

If your department is interested in arranging Body Health MOT checks, please email Samantha Bell, Sports Services Manager

Campaign for step-free access at South Kensington tube station

The Exhibition Road Cultural Group (ERCG) is campaigning for step free access at South Kensington underground station.

Exhibition Road and the surrounding area is home to leading arts, science and academic organisations. It is Britain’s most popular tourist destination, but without step free access at South Kensington station, it can be a huge challenge for people to visit if they have limited mobility, use a wheelchair or are accompanying young children in pushchairs.

TfL’s plans for step free access at South Kensington station have been put on hold until 2018. The ERCG is campaigning for the project to start much sooner.

To find out more about how you can support the campaign, visit ERCG’s website

Ethos gym closed from 1 July until early August

The Ethos gym will be closed from 1 July for a full refurbishment, reopening in early August. The refurbishment will provide gym users with new workout zones, incorporating state of the art Matrix equipment and a new layout.

A temporary fitness gym will be available to Ethos members in the Sports Hall from 2 July while the refurbishment work takes place. During this time, the Climbing wall will be closed, however studio classes will go ahead as scheduled, with several additional options on offer, including outdoor running, Viper classes and Kettle Bell sessions.

Further information is available here