The Management Board reviewed the high level plan for delivering the College’s submission to the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), the successor to the Research Assessment Exercise.
Work to collect, collate, verify and optimise the information required for submission to REF will involve all levels of the College (academics, Departments and Divisions, Faculties and central functions). Overall responsibility for the REF2014 submission rests with the College REF Steering Committee and day to day direction and management of the necessary activities is undertaken by the Strategic Planning Division.
The REF census date for staff is 31 October 2013, which means that academic staff must be in post, with a contract of at least 0.2 FTE, and be on College payroll by this date to be eligible for possible inclusion in the College’s REF submission. The deadline for publication of research outputs for inclusion in the REF submission is 31 December 2013.
Further details are available on the College’s REF Website:
Read REF2014 – high level plan for the delivery of the College’s submission in full