Category: Learning

Enrol for summer term evening classes in the Centre for Co-Curricular studies

The Centre for Co-Curricular Studies is offering a programme of evening classes during the summer term. Classes are available in languages at different levels including Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Mandarin Chinese as well as modern European languages and English Conversation for non-native speakers, and arts courses in Creative Writing, and Music Technology. Courses comprise two weekday evening classes a week from 18.00 – 20.00 for five weeks starting 28 May 2013. Online enrolment started on 1 April 2013.

Find full details and enrol online here.

Final Education and Student Strategy Consultation Open Meeting – Thursday 14 February

Professor Debra Humphris Pro Rector (Education) is inviting staff and students to attend the second of two open meetings to contribute ideas towards the development of the College’s Education and Student Strategy.

No registration is required. The meeting takes place in the Pippard Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus on Thursday 14 February from 17:00 – 18:00.

Further information on the development of the Education and Student Strategy, and an opportunity to contribute online, can be found on the Education Office website. Questions should be directed to Jenny Cooke.

Education and Student Strategy Consultation: Open Meetings

Professor Debra Humphris, Pro Rector (Education), invites staff and students to attend one of two open meetings to contribute ideas towards the development of the College’s Education and Student Strategy. Professor Humphris will provide more information on the strategy development process and attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and provide their ideas and opinions.

No registration is required, and the meetings will take place in the Pippard Lecture Theatre, Level 5, Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus on:

  • Wednesday 6 February from 13:00 – 14:00
  • Thursday 14 February from 17:00 – 18:00

Further information on the development of the Education and Student Strategy, and an opportunity to contribute online, can be found on the Strategy website.

Questions should be directed to Jenny Cooke.

Leadership programme opportunity for disabled staff

The Equalities and Diversity Unit are launching a leadership development programme for disabled staff at the College and are currently seeking applications.

Successful candidates to the Calibre Programme will undertake a series of five workshops which will aim to leverage the effectiveness of “disabled leaders” in a variety of positions within the College. The programme is based on the Social Model of disability which focuses on personal development and positions disability a distinctive strength.

More information and the application form can be found here.

New short course launched – “Energise Your Conversations”

The Learning and Development Centre have launched a new 1.5 hour course called Energise Your Conversations. The course is designed for staff who would like to enhance their communication skills, offering the opportunity to focus on tools and techniques for making conversations more effective.

Courses are being held on the following dates: 9 and 17 July, and 28 September.

Further information and enrolment details can be found here.

Enrol for summer term evening classes in the Department of Humanities

The Department of Humanities is again offering a short summer evening class programme with a range of evening classes in languages at different levels (including Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Mandarin Chinese as well as modern European languages and English Conversation for non-native speakers).  The programme also includes short arts courses in Creative Writing, and Music Technology.  Courses comprise two two-hour evening classes a week for 5 weeks from 18.00 – 20.00 on weekday evenings starting week commencing 28 May 2012.

Enrol by visiting the Humanities website


Crick Newsletter

For the latest news on the Crick Institute, of which Imperial is a Founder Member, read the first issue of the regular briefing for staff here.

Stories this issue include:

  • Discussions among a distinguished group of scientists and clinicians about how the Crick should pursue its clinical translation objectives.
  • New faces on the project team including Professor Maggie Dallman and Professor Jonathan Weber from Imperial.
  • The removal of 6,500 tonnes of soil and concrete from the site to make way for the foundations of the Institute’s building.
  • Choosing the benching, sinks, storage and other equipment to be used in the Institute’s new labs.

Education Day – 30 November 2011

Staff are invited to attend the College’s annual Education Day on Wednesday 30 November 2011, which has been organised by the Strategic Education Committee and the Educational Development Unit. The programme focuses on the wider role of teaching and education in preparing students for life after university and will conclude with the presentation of the 2011 College Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Supporting the Student Experience, Pastoral Care and Research Supervision.

More information, including the full event programme and details of how to book, can be found here.

Business ideas sought

The Entrepreneurship Hub in the Business School invites staff to submit novel ideas for potential products or services to the IE&D (Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Design) Projects programme and then work with a team of MBA students and designers to potentially bring the concept to market. Anyone with a new business idea or product design is encouraged to submit a proposal for the programme by 11 November.

Full details on IE&D Projects can be found here

Learning and Development Centre programme for 2011-12

The Learning and Development Centre have launched a new programme of development opportunities for 2011-12. Staff are encouraged to access information on the following webpages in particular:

Learning and Career Management, which encourages staff to consider the key skills and knowledge they need in their role.

Imperial Leadership and Management Development Programme, offering opportunities for any member of staff keen to develop leadership and management skills.

The Courses guide, which sets out the different categories of development programmes available through the Centre.