Category: Human Resources

Pay Award for 2012-13

The College will be applying an increase to all Imperial College local pay scales on 1 August 2012.  The pay rates for all staff will increase by £800 or 1% – whichever is greater.  The pay award has been structured as a flat sum to provide most benefit to those on the starting and middle range salaries. The College local pay offer is twice the value of the national final pay offer of 1% in recognition of the particular pressures of living and working in London.  All staff earning below £80,000 will receive increases greater than the national pay offer. For those staff due to progress through the College’s incremental pay scales on 1 October, increases in pay will range from 4.26% to 6.46%.

The Joint Trades Unions, representing UCU, Unite and Unison, were not able to agree to this pay award. Further information on the pay negotiations is available on the Human Resources website.

The College has also reviewed the pay and benefits for those who work regularly on College sites but through contract services rather than as direct employees. As a result of this review, carried out in conjunction with the Joint Trades Unions, a College worker minimum pay rate will be introduced that contractors must apply to workers permanently assigned to work at the College. The College has been able to arrange for this rate to apply to the current cleaning contract in advance of the retender process next year. The College worker minimum pay rate of £7.25 per hour will take effect from 1 August 2012.

Resources for new leaders and managers

Online resources have been developed by HR which aim to support staff new to leadership and/or management positions and to help them understand and fulfil their responsibilities. The resources include an outline of the induction staff can expect when taking on a new leadership/management role, details of key HR processes and relevant development opportunities, and a set of the most common questions put to the HR teams by new managers.

Access the resources on the HR website.

Requirement for all staff to update Declaration of Interests

All staff are required to update their Declaration of Interests using new functionality on ICIS. Staff must submit a ‘nil return’ or provide details of any external activities undertaken in the previous 12 months, which may include consultancy work, membership of an external committee, holding a trusteeship or other paid engagements. Full guidance on how to submit a Declaration of Interests or a nil return, including FAQs, is available on the HR website at:

‘Declaration of Interests’ now appears in the ‘My details’ section of ICIS. Members of staff who have not used ICIS before may find their internet browser blocks the site when they first log in. If this occurs, staff should select the option to allow pop-ups before proceeding to make their declaration.

The new requirement for staff to declare any interests on an annual basis is in line with the new Conflict of Interest Policy and an updated Private Engagements and Register of Interests Policy, announced in Staff Briefing # 66. Full details are available on the HR website.

Many staff will already have received an email directly about this requirement from the address, which was automatically generated by ICIS.

Applying for job vacancies at Imperial – new online functionality

Staff searching and applying for job vacancies at the College from December will be able to use new functionality within the Employment webpages and ICIS aimed at streamlining the process. Staff will be able to access vacancies either by clicking on the ‘Job Search for current Imperial College staff’ button on the Employment website or by logging into ICIS and selecting the ‘My Opportunities’ responsibility.

Staff will able to set up ‘job alerts’ to receive emails when new vacancies become available which match their pre-selected criteria.  If a member of staff chooses to apply for a vacancy via the new facility, personal information will be extracted from ICIS to automatically populate a number of fields in the online recruitment system. To ensure your personal details are up to date, use the ICIS Self Service facility:

Once the new functionality has gone live, links to guidance, online demonstrations and FAQ’s will be publicised in Staff briefing.

This is the first in a series of improvements to streamline the application process, and further developments to the system will be implemented as part of the College’s upgrade of Oracle next year.

Industrial action – 30 November

The University and College Union have issued the College with a notice of industrial action in the form of a one day strike on 30 November 2011.  This is in support of their continued dispute on the USS pension reform and is timed to coincide with the protest by public sector trade unions at the Government’s proposed changes to public sector pension schemes.

The strike by public sector workers which is not linked with the College may impact on the ability of staff to attend work as normal on 30 November. The most likely causes of disruption are school closures and changes to travel services. Each member of staff is expected to make every reasonable effort to present him/herself for work.

Guidance for staff participating in industrial action on 30 November and for staff who may be impacted by the wider strikes by public sector workers is available on the HR website at:

Agency Workers’ Regulations

With the introduction of the Agency Workers’ Regulations, which came into effect on 1 October 2011, HR have created a guidance document for managers to ensure that the responsibilities and implications for the College are fully understood and executed.

The new legislation provides agency workers with the same basic employment rights and working conditions as if they had been recruited directly by the College, after they have completed a qualifying period of 12 weeks. It also ensures they have access to College facilities and internal job vacancies from the beginning of their contract.

The new ‘Guidance for Managers when Engaging Agency Workers’ can be found  here.

As an alternative to employing agency workers, managers are encouraged to consider employing casual workers where appropriate. Guidance from HR, ‘Engaging Casual Workers Guidance for Managers’, can be found here.

UCU Industrial Action

The University and College Union have issued the College with a notice of Industrial Action. This is a national union campaign. The notice indicates this action relates to the ‘proposed detrimental changes to USS and retaining comparable pension benefits’. The changes to USS are no longer proposed changes and have been implemented with effect from 1 October 2011.

Please view the HR Notices Blog for full details of the intended UCU Industrial Action and the HR website for background to the dispute.

Warden vacancy – Clayponds Village

The College invites applications to the positions of Warden at Clayponds Village, available from September 2011.

Wardens are responsible for the smooth running of the hall of residence, and will receive rent free accommodation in the hall in return for pastoral, administrative and disciplinary duties, and management of the social programme. The Warden should be a good organizer, and possess a desire to help students develop a balanced approach to university life.

Clayponds Village is a collection of houses and flats which are home to 325 post-graduate students in South Ealing, approximately 10 km from the South Kensington Campus.

The post is open to all staff; it is particularly suitable for someone with experience of student pastoral care, and who would thrive living in a student community.

Please note: the successful candidate will be appointed on a one-year contract with the possibility of extensions thereafter.

For further information or a copy of the Terms of Reference and an application form, please e-mail Mrs Mickie Turner-Goble

The closing date for applications is 7 September 2011

Local Pay Award 2011/12

Local Pay Bargaining takes place on an annual basis at Imperial, involving negotiations between the College and the Joint Trades Unions (JTUs).

Following the last local pay bargaining meeting on 6 July, the JTUs have confirmed their formal acceptance of the College’s local pay offer of 2% or £500 whichever is the greater effective from 1 August 2011.

The College’s pay scales and schedules of allowances have been updated to incorporate this increase. This applies to all staff on terms and conditions subject to local pay bargaining. Payment at the appropriate new rates will be made in August 2011 salaries.

For copies of the revised scales and allowances, please view the HR Salaries web page.

To read further information from this year’s local pay bargaining negotiations, including the JTUs pay claim and the College’s responses and final pay offer, please view the HR Local Pay Award 2011/12 web page.

For staff who elected to remain on terms and conditions subject to national pay bargaining, please view details of the 2011-12 national pay negotiations.

Information for carers

Information for carers is now available on the Human Resources website, with the aim to offer practical help to staff who have caring responsibilities outside the workplace. Included are links to College resources and key policies that are particularly relevant to carers, along with details of external organisations offering services that may be useful.  HR would welcome comments on the webpage and suggestions for what else could be included there.

Visit the site for more information and to give feedback via a short questionnaire