Appointing Committee – President & Rector and Provost

The Council has established an Appointing Committee to undertake the task of identifying individuals to lead the College under the new arrangements announced in April 2012.

The Committee will identify an individual to succeed Sir Keith O’Nions as President & Rector in January 2014 and an individual to serve Imperial in the new position of Provost.

The membership of the Committee is:

Chair: Baroness Manningham-Buller, Chair of the Court and Council
Members: Sir Keith O’Nions, President & Rector (for the Provost appointment)
Professor Stephen Richardson, Deputy Rector
Professor Maggie Dallman, Principal of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Mr Iain Conn, Council member
Mr Jeremy Newsum, Council member
Dr Jean-Lou Chameau, President of Caltech
Sir John Parker, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Dr Charles Vest, President of the National Academy of Engineering, US, and President Emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sir David Wallace, Master Churchill College Cambridge
Secretary: Mr John Neilson, College Secretary and Clerk to the Court and Council

Further details of the new leadership model for the College are available here.