Annual call for applications to the Junior Research Fellowship Scheme – deadline 16 September

Applications are invited for the College’s Junior Research Fellowship Scheme, which offers opportunities for early-career researchers to establish their own scientific path, free from teaching and administration duties.

In 2014 up to 20 fellowships will be awarded. Proposals will be accepted in all core disciplines at Imperial and can be held in any Faculty and the Business School. Interdisciplinary projects are welcomed and from 2014, where appropriate, JRFs may be co-sponsored by staff of the Francis Crick Institute.

Applicants will need to identify an Imperial academic staff member to act as their sponsor and provide laboratory space, facilities and mentorship for the tenure of the fellowship. For more details about the 2014 competition including guidance for applica nts, information for sponsors and application forms visit the JRF webpages.  Informal enquiries to

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