Month: November 2015

National Pay Award 2015/16


UCEA (the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association) has advised that, following the conclusion of the national pay negotiations, institutions can now implement the 2015/16 national pay offer. The College’s national pay scales have therefore been updated to incorporate a rise of 1% effective from 1 August 2015 for those staff remaining on national non-clinical rather than local pay scales.

Payment at the appropriate new rates will be made in November 2015 salaries and will be backdated to 1 August 2015.

Changes to Faculty of Medicine Education Office

Professor Desmond Johnston has taken up appointment as Vice Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Medicine, with effect from 19 October 2015.


Professor Johnston is Head of the Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism Section within the Department of Medicine, and was previously a College Consul.


As Vice Dean (Education), Professor Johnston is responsible for undergraduate and postgraduate education and activity related to Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. He is supported by the following two roles:


Mr Martin Lupton has accepted appointment as Associate Dean and Head of the Undergraduate School of Medicine.


Dr Jane Saffell has accepted appointment as Associate Dean for Science and Postgraduate Education, with responsibility for undergraduate science programmes (outside MBBS) and continuing strategic leadership of postgraduate taught programmes.


Following Professor Johnston’s new appointment, Professor Simon Taylor-Robinson has accepted appointment as interim College Consul until 31 August 2016, the date when Professor Johnston’s role as Consul would have ceased.  A new Consul election will be held at the start of the summer term.


John Neilson

College Secretary & Registrar