Month: October 2015

Director of Strategic Planning

Dr Malcolm Edwards has accepted appointment as Director of Strategic Planning from 1 January 2016.

Dr Edwards joins the College from the University of Cambridge, where he has held the role of Head of Planning and Resource Allocation since 2012. In this role he oversaw the continuous review of the University’s Resource Allocation Model and led the introduction of new Project Boards to improve the governance of the University’s capital planning process. Prior to this Dr Edwards was Secretary of the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cambridge from 2005 – 2012. He has also worked at the University of Manchester, UMIST, Aston University and the University of Oxford.

Malcolm holds a PhD in Systematic and Philosophical Theology from Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

John Neilson
College Secretary & Registrar

Acting Vice-Provost (Education)

Professor Sue Gibson, Chair in Chemistry and Director of the Graduate School, has accepted appointment as Acting Vice-Provost (Education) from 13 November 2015 until a permanent successor to Professor Debra Humphris has taken up appointment.

In her role Professor Gibson will be responsible for providing leadership to the implementation and continuing development of the College’s Education and Student Strategy, in the context of the College’s mission to achieve enduring excellence in research and education in science, engineering, medicine and business for the benefit of society.

Professor Gibson joined the College in 1990, and assumed the role of Director of the Graduate School at Imperial College in 2013. Her research focused on transition metal chemistry and its applications in organic synthesis, and in 2013 she was awarded the OBE for services to Chemistry and Science Education.

John Neilson
College Secretary & Registrar

Student Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) distribution

Staff working with students should be aware that students who selected Imperial as a BRP collection location in their visa application will be emailed directly by Registry inviting them to book an appointment to pick up their BRP. This is to minimise queuing, as Registry will be issuing approximately 3,000 BRPs at the start of term.


All other students will need to collect their BRPs from High Street Kensington post office, or Peascod Street Windsor for Silwood Park.


Staff can visit the website to find out more.