Month: March 2015

Provost’s 2015 Awards for Excellence in Health and Safety

The College has established the Provost’s Awards for Excellence in Health and Safety to recognise individuals and teams whose efforts have resulted in significant improvements to health and safety in the College over the past year.

These have recently been awarded as follows:

Individual award

Ms Cristina Andrighetti-Formaggini, Catering Operations Manager, Campus Services

Individual award

Mr Ken Keating, Laboratory Manager, Department of Bioengineering

Team award

Heavy & Mechanical Lifting Group:

Mr Jon Dyne, Mechanical Workshop Engineer / Technician, Department of Physics

Mr Dave Bowler, Mechanical Workshop Engineer / Technician, Department of Physics

Mr Lee Tooley, Mechanical Workshop Engineer / Technician, Department of Chemistry


John Neilson

College Secretary & Registrar

Chair of Council

Sir Philip Dilley has accepted appointment as the next Chair of the Council and of the Court of Imperial College London, in succession to Baroness Manningham-Buller. Sir Philip will become Chair on 18 May 2015, and is appointed for an initial four year term to 31 May 2019.

Sir Philip graduated from Imperial with a First in Civil Engineering in 1976, and spent his engineering career within Arup Group, rising to become its Executive Chairman from 2009 to 2014. He continues to advise the firm, and since September 2014 has been Chairman of The Environment Agency. He joined Imperial’s Council in 2011.

Last year Council appointed a Search Committee to find a successor to Baroness Manningham-Buller, led by the Council’s Deputy Chair Jeremy Newsum. The Council has endorsed the recommendation of the Search Committee that Sir Philip should be its next chair. The Wellcome Trust has announced today that Baroness Manningham-Buller will become its chair in autumn 2015.

John Neilson

College Secretary & Registrar

Faculty of Natural Sciences – Vice Deans

Professor Paul French, Professor of Physics, has accepted appointment as the Vice-Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Natural Sciences with effect from 1 April 2015. Professor French is in the Photonics Group of the Physics Department at Imperial College London. He was a Royal Society University Research Fellow from 1989 until 1994 when he joined the academic staff. He served as Head of the Photonics Group from 2001-2013. His research has evolved from ultrafast dye and solid-state laser physics to biomedical optics with a particular emphasis on fluorescence lifetime imaging for applications in molecular cell biology, drug discovery and clinical diagnosis. He has worked extensively with industry and his current portfolio includes the development and application of multidimensional fluorescence imaging technology for microscopy, high content analysis, endoscopy and tomography. Outside College, he has worked with the Optical Society of America, the Institute of Physics and the European Physical Society, for which he has served as Chair of the Quantum Electronics and Optics Division.

Professor Alan Spivey, Director of Education for the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Professor of Synthetic Chemistry, has accepted appointment as the Vice-Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Natural Sciences with immediate effect. Professor Spivey joined the Department of Chemistry as a Reader in 2003. He was promoted to Professor in 2008. His research interests are in the area of synthetic chemistry and in particular the development of useful new synthetic concepts and methods and the demonstration of their utility in addressing biological and medicinal questions. He was Director of Undergraduate Studies for Chemistry from 2007-2013 and has been the Chair of the FoNS Teaching Committee since 2009 and FoNS Director of Education since 2013.

John Neilson

College Secretary & Registrar

The Julia Higgins Awards

The 2014-15 Julia Higgins Medal has been awarded to Dr Liz Elvidge, Head of the Postdoc Development Centre, in recognition of her work with female postdocs and early career academics.

Julia Higgins Awards have been made this year to:

  • Dr Karen Makuch, Academic Women’s Ambassador for the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Lecturer in Environmental Law, Centre for Environmental Policy
  • Ms Su Nandy, Senior HR Manager, Faculty of Engineering
  • Professor Lesley Regan, Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery & Cancer
  • Dr Vicky Salem, Academic Women’s Ambassador for the Department of Medicine and NIHR Clinical Lecturer, Department of Medicine
  • Dr Emma Watson, Education Manager in the National Heart & Lung Institute

The Medal and Awards recognise individuals and departments that have made a significant contribution to the support of academic women at the College, and are selected by the Academic Gender Strategy Committee, chaired by the Provost. They are named in honour of Professor Dame Julia Higgins FRS, FREng, Professor of Polymer Science, now a Senior Research Investigator in Chemical Engineering and previously Dean of the City and Guilds College and Principal of the Faculty of Engineering.

John Neilson

College Secretary & Registrar