Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences

Professor Tom Welton, FRSC, currently the Head of Department of Chemistry and Professor in Sustainable Chemistry, has accepted appointment as the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences with effect from 1 January 2015.

Professor Welton joined the Department of Chemistry at the College in 1993 as Lloyds of London Tercentenary Fellow.  He became a Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry in 1995 and, subsequently, was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2000 and Reader in 2002, before being promoted to Professor in 2004. His research interests are focused on sustainable and ‘green’ chemistry, making chemicals, and related industries, both environmentally and economically sustainable. He has held departmental positions of Examinations Officer and Director of Undergraduate Studies and has been a member of a wide range of strategic College Committees and Boards.

Beyond the College, he is Chair-elect of the Heads of Chemistry UK and a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Council, as well as a member of the steering group for the Royal Society’s diversity programme.

Professor Welton will succeed Professor Maggie Dallman, who has led the Faculty since 2008, and who will take up appointment as Associate Provost (Academic Partnerships).  Professor Alan Armstrong will succeed Professor Welton as Head of the Department of Chemistry.

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