Month: July 2014

National Pay Award 2014-15 implementation

UCEA (the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association) has confirmed that all five trade unions have accepted their final pay offer.

The College’s national pay scales have therefore been uprated to incorporate a rise of 2% with effect from 1 August 2014 for those staff remaining on national non-clinical rather than local pay scales. Payment at the appropriate new rates will be made in August 2014 salaries.

For copies of the revised scales, please view the salaries web page.

Local Pay Award 2014-15 implementation

Following the College’s final pay offer dated 3 July 2014, UCU has confirmed their acceptance, however Unite and Unison have not been able to agree the pay award. The College has carefully considered its position and the representations of the Unions during the pay bargaining process and following on from this Provost’s Board has decided to implement the local pay offer of 2% effective from 1 August 2014.

The College’s pay scales and schedules of allowances have been updated to include the above mentioned increase, which applies to all staff on terms and conditions of service subject to local pay bargaining. Payments at the appropriate new rates will be made in August 2014 salaries. The revised scales are now available. Documentary background to the pay negotiations process is also available to view.

Intermittent Home drive access – Thursday 24 July 17.00 – 20.00

Approximately half of all students and staff will have intermittent access College Home directories/H: drives on Thursday 24 July between 17.00 and 20.00. Home directories are all personal files saved within College’s central filing system.

This is due to an upgrade to bring underlying systems up-to-date with the latest software. All other ICT services will continue as normal.

Questions can be directed to the ICT service desk

Election of Consuls

Professor John Seddon, Professor of Chemical Physics in the Department of Chemistry, has been elected to succeed Professor Richard Thompson as one of the Consuls for the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Centre for Co-Curricular Studies from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2017.

Professor Richard Thompson, Professor of Experimental Physics in the Department of Physics, has been elected as the Senior Consul from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2015 to succeed Professor Nigel Gooderham.

The full list of Consuls for 2014-2015 is below:

Senior Consul – Professor Richard Thompson

Faculty of Engineering and Business School – Professor Richard Jardine

Faculty of Engineering and Business School – Professor Peter Lindstedt

Faculty of Medicine (non-clinical) – Professor Myra McClure

Faculty of Medicine (clinical) – Professor Desmond Johnston

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Centre for Co-Curricular Studies – Professor Andrew Parry

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Centre for Co-Curricular Studies – Professor John Seddon

Safety Director

Dr Surrinder Johal has accepted appointment as Safety Director and started on 14 July 2014.

Dr Johal has a first degree and a doctorate in microbiology from the University of Surrey, and joins Imperial College from the private sector research organisation LGC, where for the last six years she was LGC’s Group Head of Safety, Health, Environment & Quality.  Before that she held a range of senior business roles.