Month: September 2012

New Imperial envelope design

The design of ‘bespoke’ Imperial branded envelopes available from Office Depot will be changing slightly as stocks are refreshed. This is because Royal Mail is changing the way they frank our mail. On the new envelopes, the Imperial logo will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the envelope on all sizes, except on DL window envelopes, on which it will appear to the right of the window. Please use up any old stock envelopes as the new franking style does not take effect until January 2013.

Please email the Graphic Identity team, if you have any queries.

Do you write about the College in your work?

Using agreed language when you’re describing Imperial and its activities across the many platforms that we publish to – online, email, print, advertising, labelling, etc., – is a professional and effective way of communicating. The latest update to the Imperial College London house style includes current disabilities terminology, so that you can make absolutely sure you are saying the right thing. See the latest version online or download a PDF.

For general information about communicating about the College and about brand and graphic identity, see the graphic identity webpages or email your specific queries to

Call for Welcome Week volunteers

A message from the Director of Commercial  Services

A-level results are behind us, September has arrived and our plans for Start of Session are kicking up a notch!  For the past few years, we have had Welcome volunteers strategically positioned around the College to provide new students with directions, information and most of all a friendly face. This has proved to be a great success in helping new students settle in so we plan to repeat it again this year.

Each year we rely on a significant volunteer effort to ensure that start of session is a happy experience for everyone – we need staff to support students and their families, answer their questions, and usher students in and out of the Welcome talks and activities.

This is a tremendously important (and fun!) series of days for Imperial.  A briefing session will be held on Friday 28 September, from 11:00-12:00, to provide volunteers with all the information they need. If you or any of your team can help out at any point on the 29, 30 September or 1 October (for a minimum of 4 hours) please email Ellie Fielding  before Wednesday 19 September.


Research Excellence Framework Code of Practice

The College’s Code of Practice on the fair and transparent selection of staff for submission to REF2014 is now awaiting approval by HEFCE. All higher education institutions making submissions to REF2014 are required to have and implement such a Code. Its purpose is to govern the decision-making processes about which staff to submit.  It outlines who will make these decisions, the criteria that may be used, and describes how decisions will be communicated to staff. Other important components include the appeals process and the procedures to ensure that the College’s approach is consistent and inclusive and complies with current equalities legislation.

The Code was informed by consultation with key College staff and developed with the benefit of input from representatives from established forums such as the University and College Union (UCU), the Equality and Diversity Committee, Staff Advisory Groups, the Academic Opportunities Committee, HR, Faculty Principals and REF Leads. A draft of the Code was published internally on the College’s REF website inviting comment from all staff. The final version of the Code was approved for submission to HEFCE by the REF Steering Group.

The College’s Code of Practice can be downloaded here: