Head of the Department of Bioengineering

Professor Anthony Bull, Professor of Musculoskeletal Mechanics, has accepted appointment as Head of the Department of Bioengineering with effect from 1 August 2012. He will succeed Professor Ross Ethier who has been appointed to a Chair in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech Institute of Technology, USA.

Professor Bull joined the College as an undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering in 1989 and was appointed Lecturer in the Department of Biological and Medical Systems in 2000.  He became Professor of Musculoskeletal Mechanics in 2009 and has additionally held the positions of Director of Courses and Deputy Head of Department within the Department of Bioengineering. His research focuses on the area of the mechanics of muscles, bones and joints and he leads the Royal British Legion Centre for Blast Injury Studies at Imperial.

Anthony represents his discipline externally as Chair of the Engineering in Medicine and Health Division Board of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Panel and the Bioengineering Society Main Committee.