Transport for London (TfL) is creating the Olympic Route Network and Paralympic Route Network, to link venues and accommodation being used by athletes, officials, media and sponsors for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Stretches of the A4 and the A40 constitute significant parts of the ORN, so there will be an impact on transport to and from Imperial’s central London campuses.
The Network will be created over a four day period beginning on 20 July, and will be operating from 25 July to 14 August for the Olympic Games. The Network will be rebuilt on 27 August to be operational from 29 August to 11 September for the Paralympic Games.
Roads that form part of the ORN will have a reduced number of pedestrian crossings, restrictions for vehicles wishing to make right turns and, in some cases, lanes that will be used by Olympic vehicles only.
The Guidance the College has received from TfL is available on Imperial’s 2012 website . Alternatively, staff can visit TfL’s Get Ahead of the Games website to plan their journeys.