The Management Board reviewed the recommendations of the Task Group established in February to consider the proposed redevelopment of Level 0 of the Sherfield Building, including the Holland Club. The Management Board agreed that:
- The space will include a pub facility, which will be open to staff, postgraduate research students and postgraduate taught students, and a catering facility.
- The opening times for the bar and catering service will be determined once the tendering process for running these facilities has been completed.
- Consideration will be given to whether undergraduates will have access to the catering facility as designs for the space are progressed.
- The social space will be accessible throughout the day and during weekends.
The tendering process, inviting bids from within the College to run the catering and bar services, has been initiated and is expected to run until the end of June.
An Advisory Group, including the Senior Dean and representatives from the Imperial College Union, the Holland Club and Commercial Services, has been established to work with architects on the next stage of design work for the space.
Designs and costings are expected to be submitted to the meeting of the College’s Portfolio Review Board in June or July for approval. Should approval be granted, a timescale will be agreed for construction work to commence.