Month: March 2012

Joint PhD Scholarship Opportunities

Research supervisors keen to develop collaborations in Asia are invited to encourage and support applications from prospective students for the joint PhD schemes that the College runs in conjunction with the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Hong Kong University (HKU). The joint PhD’s enable students to carry out research at both the College and at the partner university, and offer opportunities to academic staff to establish links. Prospective students in conjunction with their supervisor can apply for one of five scholarships, each worth £20,000 per year for the duration of the programme, covering tuition fees (home/EU fees only) as well providing a fixed stipend.

Proposals must be submitted to the International Office ( by Thursday 29 March.

For more information about the joint PhD’s and associated funding, visit:

London Olympics 2012 – briefings for staff

Planning is underway to manage the impact of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on the College’s operations. The Olympic Route Network, which will restrict usage of some main roads in London, will be in force between 15 July and 14 September. The period that is most likely to cause disruption to the College’s activities runs from 28 July to 5 August when the Olympic Games take place. The College intends to operate as usual throughout. Guidance for staff will be published over the coming month.

Staff interested to learn more about the impact on the College of the London Olympics are invited to briefings on the following dates:

St Mary’s Campus – 27 March, 10.30 – 12.00 Bannister Lecture Theatre

South Kensington Campus – 29 March, 10.30 – 12.00 Pippard Lecture Theatre

Hammersmith Campus – 30 March, 14.30 – 16.00 Lecture Theatre 3, Wolfson Education Centre

Requirement for all staff to update Declaration of Interests

All staff are required to update their Declaration of Interests using new functionality on ICIS. Staff must submit a ‘nil return’ or provide details of any external activities undertaken in the previous 12 months, which may include consultancy work, membership of an external committee, holding a trusteeship or other paid engagements. Full guidance on how to submit a Declaration of Interests or a nil return, including FAQs, is available on the HR website at:

‘Declaration of Interests’ now appears in the ‘My details’ section of ICIS. Members of staff who have not used ICIS before may find their internet browser blocks the site when they first log in. If this occurs, staff should select the option to allow pop-ups before proceeding to make their declaration.

The new requirement for staff to declare any interests on an annual basis is in line with the new Conflict of Interest Policy and an updated Private Engagements and Register of Interests Policy, announced in Staff Briefing # 66. Full details are available on the HR website.

Many staff will already have received an email directly about this requirement from the address, which was automatically generated by ICIS.