Professor Richard Craster, Professor of Applied Mathematics, has accepted appointment as Head of the Department of Mathematics with effect from 1 October 2011. He succeeds Dr Emma McCoy who has been interim Head of Department since July 2010 and will return to her role as Deputy Head of Department.
Professor Craster joined the College in 1988 as a lecturer holding an EPSRC Advanced Fellowship, following a lectureship at the University of Nottingham and Junior Research Fellowship at Corpus Christi College Cambridge. He became Reader in 2000 and Professor in 2004 and has additionally held distinguished, visiting and adjunct professorships at the University of Alberta, Brunel University and University of Aix-Marseilles. He is currently an executive editor of the Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Wave Motion and the Journal of Engineering Mathematics. His research focuses on the fluid mechanics of thin films and waves in microstructured elastic or electromagnetic media.