Wednesday 10 August update on public disorder in London

The disturbances that have affected some parts of London over recent days appear much reduced, with little activity reported overnight in the capital.

However, some disruption to journeys may remain, as a result of road closures and ongoing investigations. Staff and students who find their journeys severely affected are encouraged to contact their manager or academic supervisor to discuss the option of working remotely.

The College will continue to monitor the situation closely. The areas that have so far been affected are some distance from Imperial’s campuses. The College’s Security team is being extra vigilant and is prepared to step up activities should the disturbances spread to areas close to Imperial.

If you spot any suspicious activity around campus, please contact Security on 020 7589 1000 (or extension 4444 if dialing from a College phone).

For a list of useful resources, please visit the College’s Alerts page