The default retirement age [DRA] of 65 years will no longer apply from 6 April. The removal of the DRA by the Government is being phased out over a transitional period and means that the College’s normal retirement procedure will be followed for the final time in 2011. Members of staff who will be 65 or over on or before 30 September 2011 have been made aware of their options to retire or request to work beyond that date.
Following the transitional period, the removal of the DRA means that the College will no longer set a date when members of staff retire. Members of staff will be able to choose when they enter retirement. Where a member of staff is considering retirement they should discuss their intentions with their line manager in good time. They may choose to take full retirement or – where the pension rules allow it and operationally it is in the College’s interests — retire and, following a short break in service of normally one month, be re-employed whilst in receipt of their pension in a part-time capacity.
College procedures and processes will be updated to reflect the changes in legislation and staff are invited to comment on the proposed changes to the College’s retirement procedure here
Find a copy of a managers’ briefing note about the changes here
Find out more details of the change in government policy here