Kety Alania: ‘My experiences during the Master program played a pivotal role in my career’

What is your name? 

Kety Alania


Where are you from? 

I’m from Georgia


To which class you belong to? 

Class of 2018


Where and what did you study before joining Imperial College London? 

I completed BSc Psychology at Royal Holloway University in Surrey


How did you find your Master experience at the College? 

I really enjoyed my MSc course. I loved the course content. It gave us a broad but, at the same time, detailed overview of different subfields of neuroscience. We had regular journal club assessments, which I thought were an excellent way to help us build confidence and develop presenting and public speaking skills. We had so many. By the end, it no longer felt like an assessment, and we were actually looking forward to it. Most importantly, I made some amazing friends while on the course, for which I’m very grateful


Which research project did you work on? 

My research project focused on using non-invasive brain stimulation methods to modulate brain activity and cognition. More specifically, I was developing methods to simultaneously monitor brain activity while delivering electrical stimulation, which is a big challenge in the field


Where are you now?  

I’m am completing the first year of my PhD at Imperial College


What are you working on? 

My research focuses on developing and translating non-invasive deep brain stimulation interventions for neuropathology and cognitive decline in early Alzheimer’s Disease


What is the most important lesson you learnt as a Master student?

Get involved! Look for things that capture your curiosity, and then take the initiative. And while you are doing that, look for mentors. They will be the most important thing in your career


How did the Master programme help you get to where you are now? 

My experiences during the Master program played a pivotal role in my career. The relationships I formed and mentorship I received during my time on the course, especially while working on my project, has definitely shaped me as a scientist

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